Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013


Hello everybody, 

I want to talk about gossiping today. 

Nope. Nobody is gossiping about me. Actually, people probably gossip about me all the time but you know what I mean. Not that I know of from my friends and family.

I know people love to gossip. It's just in human nature because we're given a mouth so we just like to talk talk talk. This isn't just about girls but even guys can be gossip queens! I sometimes gossip too =_=. There is just something addictive about gossiping. I don't know how you guys define gossip, but to me - I see gossiping as 'discussing about other people'. I don't mean in a positive way either. As girls, we love a good banter but just how innocent is 'innocent gossiping?'.

I really try to discipline myself these days to not gossip because I realised it's unhealthy and hmm..a bad habit. I've distanced myself from some friends because I realised their gossiping nature wasn't good for me. I started to see behind the gossip and I realised that their negativity was starting to spread on to me.  When you spend enough person with a gossipy person, you will eventually gossip too. You've heard the saying, people who gossip to you will gossip about you right?

I used to love reading celebrity magazines to find out the latest scandals. Why are we so freaking nosy? It's none of our business. I don't know, maybe it's our way to distract ourselves from our dull lives. We stick our noses into situations that's not even the slightest bit related to us. You know what guys? There used to even be blog sites that I used to visit. Not frequently, only occasionally if I am really bored (I'm not talking about the forum site by the way, I don't visit that place for sure). I'm not even fond of these websites. They are childish, judgemental and simply put- unhealthy for us. They discuss the lives of other people and make horrible assumptions. I couldn't stand what I was reading but yet, SOMEHOW I would find myself on that site a month or two later. There are things that I learnt about gossipy magazines/websites/gossipy friends:
  • When you talk bad about a person, you actually spread the negativity. So a person can originally like a person but after being told something about that person, he/she could suddenly change their mind about them. 
  • It's an unhealthy habit. It even starts to change how you view yourself. When you do it enough, you can even become resentful. 
  • It's not as innocent as you think
So these days, when I know I'm about to say something that could come off negative. I just tell myself to shut up.

Now, if somebody upsets or angers me. I try very hard not to share it to others. Believe me, it's tough but I know it's for the better. I know if I do talk about it, I will just end up making this person sound like an absolutely ass for the sake of my comfort. I would just be looking for the listener to agree with me. I don't want to give in to my pride if this is the case. In most cases, I end up being more frustrated anyway so why do I bother? After all, you may love gossiping but you wouldn't like it if you were being gossiped about right? If you're just going to talk bad for the sake of talking, then maybe it's better to keep quiet instead.

I will just focus on myself, my friends and my loved ones. I don't want to be nosy and I don't want to be the reason for sharing negativity. I don't even want to read/listen to negativity either. There are so many more things in life that matters and entertains me.

So now I look back at some of my friends who are still resentful and bitter and I just pray they will get it one day. I had a friend who is actually a lovely girl but she has so much resentment for an ex-friend of hers. She would stalk her photos on Facebook and send me the 'bad pictures' just to tease her makeup or how she does her hair. She feels better pointing out other people's flaws but she has no idea how the resentment is eating her heart up by the minute. With so much resentment in her heart, there isn't room for joy. I eventually drifted from her because we ran out of topics to talk about. I no longer wanted to hear the gossiping and I payed no attention to the negativity. I confronted her and told her in the kindest way that she needs to change her view in things or she will just continue to hurt herself. She told me to calm down and it was just harmless. I know it's not harmless. She was trying to spread the negativity. She didn't get it.

To people who are being gossiped about
Hey, you're not alone. You can't control what others say but you can control how you choose to deal with it. Sometimes, people can't help the way they are and you have to accept that you might not be able to change how they think. You might as well just go ahead and do the right thing yourself rather than waiting because they may never actually do the right thing . You can just stay true to yourself and focus on your family, friends and loved ones. These are the people's opinions who should matter. Remember "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"- Dr Seuss. Don't let yourself be defeated on other people's opinion and certainly don't suffocate yourself trying to live on people's expectations. If people can't be happy for you- you go ahead and be happy for youself ^_^.

So the jist of this post is, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say it at all". Before you enter yourself into a world of gossip, ask yourself is what you're about to hear/read good for your soul and heart? How does it make you feel knowing what you are reading/listening can hurt hurt to others?

Focus on yourself and try to not be so distracted with other people's business. The minute you stop gossiping and being distracted from the world of gossip- you will seriously feel your more happiness in your life. Not only will you do the World a favour, you will also do it for yourself. Keep smiling guys! ^^

X o X o,
-Octaviani Puteri-

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

How To Use Your 9 Brushes

Hallo Everybody ^^ ,

Pada post kali ini gw ingin membahas mengenai "bagaimana cara penggunaan brush" yang terkadang kalau kita melihat bentuknya saja suka membingungkan untuk penggunaannya. Padahal fungsi dari brush atau kuas ini sangat penting untuk menunjang hasil make-up agar lebih rapih dan membuat kita semakin cantik loh. :D Yukk, langsung aj gw jelasin :

1.  Buffer Brush
Buffer brush bisa kamu gunakan saat ingin mengaplikasikan mineral foundation, dengan menggunakan buffer brush maka foundation yang pada wajahmu akan blending secara rata dan halus karena tingkat kehalusan dan jarak setiap bulunya cukup padat dan lentur. Buffer brush juga bisa di aplikasikan dengan blusher untuk pipi kamu agar terbentuknya tulang pipi yang sempurna dan merona.

2. Flawless HD Brush
Flawless HD Brush di desain secara khusus karena tingkat kerapatan setiap bulunya sangat rapat sehingga ketika kamu menggunakan dengan concealer atau BB cream di wajah, maka hasil yang akan kamu dapatkan ialah merata  karena bentuk dari brush ini mampu menutupi pori-pori dan bekas jerawat secara maksimal dan  pasti hasilnya so flawless girls!

 3.  Powder Brush
Powder brush yang memiliki kelembutan dan kelenturan mampu mengontrol ketika kamu menggunakan loose powder untuk kesan make-up yang ringan,karena bedak akan menutupi secara sempurna terhadap pori-pori wajah sehingga tidak ada efek kerutan atau tidak meratanya bedak pada wajahmu.

4. Dual Cover Brush
Dual Cover Brush memiliki bentuk yang pipih ini memiliki dua sisi kuas, kuas yang lebih kecil bisa kamu aplikasikan saat menggunakan undereye brightener dan untuk blending brightener kamu bisa gunakan sisi brush yang lebih besar agar hasilnya rapi menutupi dan kantung mata akan lenyap begitu saja. Sisi kecil brush ini juga bisa kamu apply saat menggunakan concealer untuk menutupi dark circle atau bekas jerawat di wajahmu.

5. Multi Brush
Multi brush di desain secara fleksibel dimana ukuran kuas bisa kamu ubah menjadi lebih pendek atau panjang, sehingga bisa kamu gunakan untuk blushing your cheek dan setelahnya kamu bisa gunakan brush ini untuk shading di bagian sisi wajah yang diperlukan.

6. Kabuki Brush

Kabuki brush yang sangat lembut dan fleksibilitas sangat cocok untuk digunakan bersamaan powder foundation, karena material dari powder foundation tersebut akan merata dan  hasil akhirnya akan memberikan efek bedak dasar yang ringan dan cantik.

Fluff brush dapat kamu gunakan ketika kamu ingin aplikasikan highlight pada kelopak mata atau memberi shading pada sisi hidung kamu. Keep to blending girls!

8. Dual Eyes Brush
Brush ini memiliki dua sisi yang dikhususkan untuk eye make-up. Sisi yang lebih besar berfungsi untuk mengaplikasikan eyeshadow dan sisi yang lebih kecil bisa kamu gunakan untuk memberi efek dimension pada eye make-up kamu.

9.  Angled Liner Brush
Bentuknya sangat kecil dan pipih, brush ini akan membuat kamu lebih memudah ketika menggunakan eyeliner karena hasil garis pada mata akan sangat detail dan minim kesalahan. Selain itu brush ini bisa kamu fungsikan untuk alis mata saat kamu menggunakan eyebrow powder.

Bagaimana? Sudah cukup jelaskan untuk penggunakan brushes pada make-up?  ^^

Have a Nice Day ~
With Love, Via. xx